Transition can be the most expensive of all the phases, since it can involve the complete restructuring of the way an organization does business.
The principle elements of transition are:
- Re-organization
The implementation of major new systems is often accompanied by "business process re-engineering", the re-examination of processes and procedures, organizations and roles, and the overall way things are done.
- Education
This is the process of communicating to all concerned exactly what we are trying to accomplish and how we plan to do so. It should begin as early as possible in the project. Indeed, strategy and analysis feedback sessions are part of this process.
- Training
This is the process of instructing people on the specific use of the systems: how to enter data, invoke queries, etc.
- Data Conversion
If it is necessary for data from existing systems to be stored in the new system, it is necessary to plan for how this is to be done, and then to do it. This can be complicated in those cases where a body of data is relevant to transactions which are in process at the moment the new system is turned on.
In any particular effort, one or more of these may have to be done, but which elements are required will vary from project to project.
Essential Strategies, Inc. can help with any of these four efforts. We have had experience in business process re-engineering, education, training, and data conversion. We can help you make the transition as safe and non-disruptive as possible.