Essential Strategies, Inc. can offer courses in a variety of system development and implementation topics:
Requirements Analysis
- This course teaches students how to analyse an enterprise to determine its structure, functions, and ultimately, its requirements for new systems technology. Includes interviewing techniques, data (entity/relationship) modeling, function hierarchy modeling, data flow diagrams, how to give a feedback session, and writing up the final report. (Five days)
Introduction to Systems Development
- This is an overview of the concepts of systems development, including the systems development life cycle, the Zachman Framework, and various modeling techniques. (Two days)
Modeling Seminar
- This is a one-day seminar introducing viewers to data and function modeling.
It includes presentation of standard models (patterns) for standard business
situations. (One day)
Closed Loop Manufacturing Systems
- This course describes the elements and techniques in a comprehensive, "closed loop" manufacturing management system. Included are training in the techniques of master production scheduling, materials requirements planning, shop floor control, and others. (One week)
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Copyright © 1997 Essential Strategies, Inc.
Last modified: December 21, 1998